Medical Device for dry and productive cough management, suitable for children up to 2 years old.

Medical device useful for cough and sore throat treatment. It can be used in case of dry cough, productive cough or hay fever cough. Fixotuss, thanks to its natural extract and glycerol, is able to form a long-lasting mucoadhesive film that protects mucosa against irritant agents, improving upper respiratory tract functionality. It favors laryngeal mucosa and mucus hydration, easing mucus expulsion. The mucilage-rich formulation protects mucosa against irritation, with an emmolient and lenitive action in case of sore throat
Available also in the sugar-free option
Medical Device CE PENDING
120 ml bottle.
10 ml stickpacks.
5 ml stickpacks.
Shelf-life: 36 months.