Medical device adjuvant in the treatment of the hemorrhoidal syndrome.

Medical Device with emollient and humectant action, indicated in patients with symptoms related to hemorrhoids, proctitis and anal fissures, as for example burning, itching and pain. The regular use of the device, thanks to its lubricant and protective action, helps the restoration of the anal epithelium, while favoring the regression of inflammation and irritation. The device helps to improve the symptoms related to hemorrhoids, soothing pain, burning, itching and pain during defecation.
Posology and Instructions for Use:
Clean your hands and the area to treat. Apply the product on the affected area up to 2-3 times per day, preferably after every evacuation. In case of painful defecation, apply a small amount of cream before evaquation.
Medical Device CE 0477 Class II A
Packaging: 30 ml tube.
Shelf-life: 24 months.