13 December 2022

The BOD of Labomar today approved the appointment of Luciano Marton as the General Manager from February 2023. The introduction of this new managerial figure in the organisation, as strongly favoured by Labomar Chairperson Walter Bertin, is due to the need to adapt the management team to the Group’s increased size, to expand their respective skills in the market.

Bertin, founder and CEO, outlines: “I consider the decision to introduce a General Manager at Labomar as an important and strategic step on the Group’s growth trajectory” – and more – the time has come to entrust the direction of the company to a manager with proven experience in business execution […], with whom I share a vision and common interest, also and especially regarding ESG issues. The expansion of the management team is a step that will enable us to further develop, both quantitatively and qualitatively”.

The complete press release is available in the RESULTS AND PRESS RELEASES section of the site.